
Being an architecture student is tough. Living in Nebraska is tougher. Originally from the fancy suburbs of Chicago, I decided to expand my education in Nebraska. I know Nebraska, or for that matter, Lincoln, is not Chicago, but I've been able to get a different viewpoint out here. Anyways, here is a blog dedicated to whatever I feel I want to talk about, from movies to architecture. Enjoy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Year in Review: Best Posters of 2011

Another year gone, and what's left is some fine poster work done by Hollywood.  Overall, the whole year took a more minimalistic approach to the design, which I think helped improve the quality.  In addition to my personal best of the year, I am also adding a couple worst of the year as well, so people can see that paid professionals sometimes suck.

10) Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
While not an totally official poster released by the studio, Paramount did showcase this one, which was done by Matt Owen, which was specifically designed for the IMAX release.  It's shows the classic Mission Impossible fuse burning, and the on the other end is the Burj Khalifa.  A great way to tease one of the best action scenes in the film.

9) Shame
Since this film was rated NC-17, I was wondering how there were going to show this, despite the graphical nature.  What they came up with was a great image that does a great job saying exactly what the title suggests.  They did not have to rely on star power to get people to come see this.

8) Moneyball
Nothing like a fresh cut baseball field filling the the poster to get you in the mood.  Brad Pitt is barely seen in this, which is interesting since he is a very bankable star.  Since the movie is more about the numbers behind baseball, it's was a good choice to go the simple route and show the baseball diamond.  Green field = green money = what the movie was about. Boom. Lawyered.

7) Bridesmaids
Eye popping pink will attract anyone to this poster, not just girls.  I love the attitude from all the actresses', which is a great way to show the comedic tone of the film.  It's very successful, using the same kind of technique used in The 40-Year Old Virgin and Knocked Up.

6) The Mechanic 
While the movie left something to be desired, the poster debut definitely caught my eye and got my excited to see the film.  Making an image out of smaller images is not unheard of in the poster business, a la Lord of War making Nicolas Cage out of bullets.  I feel like it takes a clever person to make this work properly.

5) Super 8
Perhaps confusing at first, this poster literally flips the normal image on its side.  I don't really know the reasoning behind this, but I like it.  It is something different, and definitely gets your attention.  It is suspenseful and ominous, giving a good first look at the visual style and story elements of the film.

4) Ides of March
I am not a big fan of face-mashups, but this one really made me do a double take.  Oh, sweet, Ryan Gosling is in this.  Oh, wait, that's not his whole face.  OH! George Clooney too! Sweet.  Pretty much my reaction to this poster. Well done.

3) Winnie the Pooh
I knew exactly what this was the second I saw it.  No title necessary.  No big names.  Not even a close up of the characters.  80% of the poster is honey yellow.  But the amazing image of Pooh and the gang floating in a bucket boat stays with you.

2) 50/50
Seth Rogen's face sells this film.  Seeing this poster not only makes you crack up, but it also engages you in trying to find out more about the film.  I hope the DVD is this picture, because it is a classic reaction plenty of us have had.

1) Midnight in Paris
The Vincent van Gogh Starry Night blended with the city of Paris is the best combination to help sell this movie.  Having Owen Wilson walking along the riverfront in thought sets up the film well, giving some insight to the character before you even see the movie. A great blend of artwork and a live picture.

The Worst of 2011

3) Madea's Big Happy Family
This is just a travesty.  If you know me, then you will know Madea stands for all that is evil and unfunny.  The classic Godfather image has been sullied because of this horrendous poster.  Ridiculous.

2) The Devil's Double
I first saw this while working at Blockbuster when it came out on DVD, and it literally blinded me.  Waaaay too much gold.  I mean, I understand why they did the gold theme, since it makes sense for the character.  But that doesn't mean that you do the whole poster in gold.  It is just awful to look, and you can't really tell what is going on in the poster.

1) X-Men: First Class
This one takes the cake.  Probably made by a kid in middle school who just learned Photoshop, the web went nuts after its debut.  Even the silhouette would have been a good idea, but slapping on that face in the crotch makes no sense whatsoever.  Hopefully, whoever made this poster was relieved of their duty.  Forever.

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