
Being an architecture student is tough. Living in Nebraska is tougher. Originally from the fancy suburbs of Chicago, I decided to expand my education in Nebraska. I know Nebraska, or for that matter, Lincoln, is not Chicago, but I've been able to get a different viewpoint out here. Anyways, here is a blog dedicated to whatever I feel I want to talk about, from movies to architecture. Enjoy.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Du Sable Park Project - Spring 2011

Render of proposed boardwalk at night.
Our first part of a two part project in my architectural class was to create a park on Du Sable Park, which was originally home to the Chicago Spire.  What follows in my project design.  The main deign effort comes from two colliding grids, one that follows the Lake Shore Drive boundary to the west, and the natural water boundary to the east.  This grids are then used to create outdoor rooms within the park.  A grid of trees (which might be re-designed into fiber optic cables) are lined up along the Lake Shore Drive boundary, giving a sound buffer, as well as shade to park goers.  The tree grid also does not stop when going through pathways, making visitors have to maneuver around them.  This is an ongoing project, with part 2 showcasing a skyscraper we are to put on the site as well.

Site Overview, with Lake Shore Drive running through the middle.
Park space for kids and picnics.
Outdoor interpretive center honoring Du Sable.
Physical model at 1/32" scale.
My friend Ricardo presenting his project to our panel.

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