
Being an architecture student is tough. Living in Nebraska is tougher. Originally from the fancy suburbs of Chicago, I decided to expand my education in Nebraska. I know Nebraska, or for that matter, Lincoln, is not Chicago, but I've been able to get a different viewpoint out here. Anyways, here is a blog dedicated to whatever I feel I want to talk about, from movies to architecture. Enjoy.

Friday, November 26, 2010


So, I thought on this post I'd get some formalities out of the way.  I am an architecture student in Nebraska.  I come from the outskirts of Chicago.  Asking me if I love architecture would result in me shaking my head, breathing in very deep, and then releasing a giant sigh.  My studies in architecture, to me, are a double-edged sword.  On one hand, it consumes all my time, nearly kills me at certain intervals, probably raises my blood pressure, gives me a head start on gaining gray (grey?) hair, and an assortment of other stresses.

Despite all this, I can honestly say I'd rather suffer all of that so that my future self (and family) will be supported by my career.  I do like architecture, don't get me wrong, but I don't love it.  I'd much rather be filming movies in exotic locations or becoming a secret agent, but I'm not really cut out for that stuff.  What I am cut out for is designing and using all the software architecture needs.  So this is it.  I'm on the fringe of civilization.  I put myself in this position on purpose  To challenge myself, make myself stronger, so that I can become a better person for the future.  Alright, enough of that talk for one night.  I'm headed to bed.  Gotta wake up at 7:30 am to get to Best Buy for Black Friday.  They have some sweet action Blu-Ray deals going on.  See you there.

Signed, Architecture for Life, Movies Forever

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