
Being an architecture student is tough. Living in Nebraska is tougher. Originally from the fancy suburbs of Chicago, I decided to expand my education in Nebraska. I know Nebraska, or for that matter, Lincoln, is not Chicago, but I've been able to get a different viewpoint out here. Anyways, here is a blog dedicated to whatever I feel I want to talk about, from movies to architecture. Enjoy.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Architecture Conceptual Model

Earlier this week our class had to come up with a concept for our new architecture project, which is to create a park at Du Sable Park in Chicago, which is currently vacant, but once home to the Chicago Spire project.  Anyways, I built a LED circuit and hooked it up to some 9-volt batteries to show energy consumption.  I'm no electrician or anything like that, so I had some help from our friends over at YouTube, which, I have to say, is amazing cause you can literally find "how to built" videos all over the place.  After viewing some videos on LED circuits, I headed over the local Radio Shack.  They actually have some cool stuff there.  Like solar panels! Sweet.  Also, I learned how to solder, and didn't burn myself once.

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